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David Allen said: “The beginning is half of every action.” Lao Tzu is said to have said: “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

But, what is the impetus for taking that first step?

Peter and I talked about pain points as potential triggers for taking that first step from non-action to action. We’re defining pain points as things as the problems that cause discomfort. The idea is that if the pain becomes too great, we’ll take action as means to alleviate the pain.

As an example, Peter’s pain point for weight loss became too great when he couldn’t fit into clothes. As a first step, Peter reached out to a nutritionist with experience working with endurance athletes. My pain point for adopting a puppy (Kiki) in September was that I was lonely living by myself and with limited social interactions due to the pandemic. I had almost always had at least one dog in my life, so I knew she would be a wonderful companion. My first step was to search for available shelter dogs to adopt.

What is your pain point(s)? What’s the thing that will help to catalyze you to take that first step?

