When Peter and I started exploring the question of How Much Time Is Left? we discussed how the question could be a question about finding meaning and purpose in the limited time we have left in life. As Peter’s stepmom Lucille reminds us, “None of us is getting out of here alive.”
So, what is the meaning of life? Perhaps there is not a universal answer but rather a specific one.
In Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything, Viktor Frankl said that, “the meaning of life can only be a specific one, specific both in relationship to each individual person and in relation to each individual hour: the question that life asks us changes both from person to person and from situation to situation.” In other words, meaning in life is not a fixed finality but rather an ongoing process of meaning making because neither us nor the situation are static. Both are changing and in relationship with each other.
So, assuming that the meaning of life is specific to each of us, what is the meaning of life for you now in this moment in this situation?