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Peter shared this reminder from his 90-year-old stepmom, Lucille, that death eventually comes for all of us.

When I was in my teens and 20’s, I felt like I had all the time in the world and death was something that happened to old people. I still had a whole lifetime ahead of me to accomplish great things, travel the world and have memorable experiences.

However, when I was diagnosed with cancer at age 23 and given a 60-70% chance of being disease-free in five years, I quickly did the math and understood that I also had a 30-40% chance of not being disease-free (and perhaps dead) within five years. I am fortunate to have received the medical care I needed and am still in remission from cancer. Yet, the surgery scar on my hip is a constant and gentle reminder that I may not have much time left.

Now, as I near 50 years old, I feel like I am approaching a countdown, which creates a sense of urgency to answer this question: What will I do before my time runs out?

That’s a question we want to explore more in this blog…

